Arise and Fly: ICS Outsourcing Inspires and Supports the Children of Not Forgotten Initiative

We at ICS Outsourcing happen to think that in life, we need to be a little like the farmer, who puts back into the soil what he takes out.  
ARISE AND FLY; that was the theme of our Corporate Social Responsibility for the year 2023. It was indeed a befitting theme as we in the ICS Abuja Region decided to pay a visit to the beautiful kids of NOT FORGOTTTEN INITIATIVE ( NFI ) Asokoro, a school for the under-privileged children on Friday 15th December during their end of the year party
We did our bit by donating Text Books to all the Pupils in Grade 4,5 and 6. However before the presentation, our amiable Regional Business Manager in the person of David Adeniyi gave a speech to spur the kids never to give up on their dreams and the need to always be ready to rise and fly  irrespective of their status. Thereafter, we presented our “widow’s mite” to the School. It was received with so much joy.

Images from the Event

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